Dr. Armand R. Ash holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.
degrees in Electrical Engineering. He was also awarded a unique
postdoctoral fellowship in Bio-Medical Engineering from the University
of Oklahoma's Health Science Center for his work in the area of
ultrasound blood flowmetery. Dr. Ash is also an associate professor of
electrical engineering at the University of Detroit-Mercy and teaches
the following courses:
Digital/Analog Communications
Digital Signal Processing
Systems Engineering
Computer Applications and Instrumentation
Digital Control
Digital Logical
Dr. Ash's industrial experience, research and
publications include a multidisciplinary spectrum, from Bio-Medical
Engineering to Knowledge Based Engineering (KB), as well as 42V,
X-by-wire technology and CAE technology. He has worked consistently
over the last 12 years in the areas of CAD/CAM/CAE/KBE and e-Engineering
with the automotive industry and it's suppliers. He is a board member
and director in INCOSE, with additional memberships in IEEE, Eta Kapa Nu,
SAE , Modeling/Simulation Standard Committee and the 42-V Standard
Advisory Committee.